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I’ve heard David Suro described as a “man with tequila in his veins and Mexico in his heart.” Having had the pleasure to meet him many times, I couldn’t think of a more apt descriptor. David is truly a living legend in the realm of agave spirits. Not only has he helped create incredible tequila and mezcal brands (Siembra Azul, Don Mateo, Mezonte) he has done more than just produce the product. He’s worked with these spirits from every level imaginable: Repping growers to advocate for fair wages, helping producers navigate the process of being legally certified as “mezcal,” working with anthropologists to date ancient tools to trace back the origins of distillation. Not to mention, he has helped educate the American consumer about the beauty of agave spirits from his tenured perch here in Philadelphia.

We’re so honored to have David as part of our Mission Mezcal Club series for this month. His mezcals truly are incredible, and he’s one of the most knowledgeable and gracious people you can ever have the pleasure of chatting with.

Join us for our virtual Zoom chat with David, while tasting his delicious spirits this Monday, February 22nd!